Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Acting Career Begins
I am not so sure how it all happened, but I ended up heading out to Bwindi to be an “extra” in some Swedish reality show. It was a last minute decision to go, but the producers called up Kayak the Nile saying they needed 5 extras to come out to Bwindi for one day of reality show acting; all food, board, and transport would be covered, plus some easy money for a day of acting. Without much knowledge of what we were getting ourselves into, 5 of us piled into the Delica at 5:00 AM Saturday morning and headed off on our 13 hour drive. It was a perfect excuse for a road trip, easy money, and plenty of time to enjoy the company of the 5 mzungus from 4 different countries: Wales, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, and the States. Basically, the filming we did is for the 10-minute pitch for a Survivor-like show where 13 people will be sent out into the bush for 21 days in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in search of the gorillas. Their main goal is to show the similarities in behavior and interactions of humans and gorillas. Reuben was the “silverback” of our group and had plenty of his own women to put to work, whether it was building a shelter, gathering supplies, or leading the way through the jungle with machetes. Becks and I tried as hard as we could to have our “girly talks” by braiding each other’s hair multiple times while sitting by the creek with a camera in our faces. Hopefully they will be able to use 2 seconds of the footage for something. It was a fun road trip with easy money and a good excuse to make it back to Bwindi and spend an extra day at Lake Bunyoni on the way home. Of course, it is no true road trip without some car trouble. Overall, it all went smoothly. I never thought I would see myself getting into acting, especially reality television, but life has plenty of surprises.