The Inner City Kids camp has been running since 2002 after Jessie found the funding to do a kayak school in New York with a group of kids from Upward Bound, a high school program for first generation potential college students from low-income families. The kids are from the Harlem area and have never been out of the big city.

This year was the 3rd Uganda trip for the inner city kids. Most of the kids had done the kayak school and Rogue trip last summer, but it was everyone’s first trip to Uganda, let alone, out of the country. This year, we had 7 kids, from sophomore to senior year students, and 2 returning chaperones, Rosanna and Lee. I realized I have been working with Rosanna for the last 5 years after the first kayak school I helped teach back in summer 2004.

The kids seemed to enjoy themselves. It definitely was not a typical spring break for these Harlem kids. The students had a great time volunteering; they helped teach malaria education sessions, completed follow-ups, learned a lot about malaria and even looked at blood slides infected with malaria, and most importantly, they kept the Ugandan kids entertained by teaching them some new dance moves. The kids also went for a rafting trip on the White Nile toward the end of their time here. Not a bad trip, eh?